Podcast EP 18 Rewind: Equity, Engagement, and Enneagrams

“Harder Than It Looks: Parking Uncovered” is our podcast that we use to facilitate connections and illuminate solutions to common problems within the parking and mobility industry.

We aim to do so by highlighting the voices of experts in the space, discussing trends and forward-looking technological innovations, and providing professional food for thought. All in an effort to help one another get better at what we know is harder than it looks…parking a car.

Today, we’re rewinding and recapping Episode 18: Equity, Engagement, and Enneagrams: Kenyata Smiley & Nikki Miller on Public and Personal Leadership

In this episode of Harder Than It Looks, we welcome Kenyata Smiley, Transportation Planning Department Manager at HNTB, who shares her inspirational journey from Chattanooga to leading multimodal transportation projects, emphasizing strategic planning, equity, and community engagement. She also discusses her work with the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials and Delta Sigma Theta sorority.

In segment two, Nikki Miller, Executive Coach at Kairos Consulting, explores Enneagram types, recounts her decade-long experience homeschooling, her transition to public schooling, and her insights on executive coaching, personal growth, and maintaining a growth mindset. 

Meet Our Guests:

Kenyata Smiley

Transportation Planning Department Manager at HNTB Atlanta

As an accomplished Transportation Planning Department Manager in the HNTB Atlanta office, Kenyata Smiley provides project and program management and oversight for multi-modal transportation projects and federal grant programs. Her key responsibilities include strategic planning, preliminary engineering, capital program development, equity analysis, and project prioritization. Kenyata has twenty years of experience in the transportation industry and has spent the last eight years successfully navigating transit agencies and local governments through the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) processes. Being a seasoned collaborator and excellent communicator, Kenyata is adept at identifying and cultivating relationships with the public, elected officials, and local partners. Kenyata currently serves as the President of Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) Atlanta Chapter and a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 

Nikki Miller

Executive Coach at Kairos Consulting

Nikki Miller joins us from Kairos (kairosconsulting.com), a team of coach/consultants who help CEOs build leadership capacity in themselves, in their teams, and in their organizations. A variety of life experiences have prepared her for that role, including policy work on Capitol Hill, different roles in education, and more than a decade of practice in mediation in the context of family. At home, she practices creating healthy teams with her best friend/husband Craig, their four children, and rescue dog Cocoa.

You Won’t Want to Miss These Clips:

Segment 1 with Kenyata Smiley

• Kenyata’s Early Life and Career Beginnings (01:52)

• Transition to Public Administration (04:05)

• Career Growth and Public Sector Experience (05:25)

• Current Role and Responsibilities (08:36)

• Equity and Community Engagement (22:25)

• Challenges and Success Stories (27:33)

• Life Legacy and Appreciation (45:03)

Segment 2 with Nikki Miller

• Nikki’s Journey to Executive Coaching (48:16)

• The Enneagram and Personal Growth (57:16)

• Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques (1:03:46)

• Homeschooling and Parenting Insights (01:12:42)

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Courtney Cooper

Courtney Cooper

Events + Community Manager

Courtney is the Events + Community Manager at Parker Technology and has 8 years of marketing experience in marketing campaign management, events, copywriting, and podcasting.

She is currently a member of the Indy American Marketing Association Chapter, and is an associate member of Pavilion.