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Tag: customer experience

How can I improve my parking facilities?

For parking facilities, an elevated customer experience can attract patrons, improve customer loyalty, provide value to asset owners, and increase revenue. Read on for our tips to improve parking facilities and elevate the customer experience.

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Client Experience: Radisson Plaza Hotel

Guest Experience Manager, Katie Hallup, shares her experience with our team, and the impact our solution has made on customer experience, staffing strategy, and revenue collection.

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How Authentic Concern Drives “Good Business”

Delivering a great customer experience is hard. After all, parking guests’ expectations are set by such world-class brands as Disney, Hilton Hotels, or Chick-fil-A. However, an oft-overlooked key ingredient for a quality customer experience is Authentic Concern.

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Why Parker Technology?

We realized, very quickly, that when someone pushed the help button, it was more likely because they were confused, and we could help them. That’s why Parker exists today. It’s our job to help people get out of garages.

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